Don't set the modem in bridged mode because my I.S.P. is PPOE so if the router is set to dynamic and the modem is set to bridged you will not be able to connect to the internet (or at least my set up would not!) My set up is a Belkin F5D8233-4 router and TP-Link TD-8816 modem, spent hours trying to figure it out and this worked and was simple. Q2: Can I connect Deco wirelessly to an existing router to extend my existing Wi-Fi network? Deco doesn't support Repeater mode, only Router and Access Point modes are available. In the Deco network, the main Deco must be wired to a modem, router, or an internet cable to get internet access.

Nov 10, 2019

Jul 31, 2018 · You can, but the switch will be of no actual use in this case. Your scenario: If you use a modem, you get a public IP on a device connected to it. If you’re on residential internet, your ISP only allows you to a single public IP per connection. May 29, 2018 · Once the switch is behind a router (which in most cases uses NAT), all devices connected to either the switch or the router can access the internet simultaneously. Placing the router between modem and Ethernet switch creates an extra layer of protection from threats on the Internet. Here are the detailed steps for connection: There are two ways to do this: You can use wireless internet (WiFi) or wired internet (by connecting the device directly to a router or hub using an Ethernet cable). Not all Roku devices support

I can't get to my router right now to check the version, but I checked a few weeks ago and there were no new updates. If you really need to know, I think it might be ver. 2.1.41 (just checked the downloads page). @bigdave240 I tried to access on a Firefox browser on a laptop and I still get the "can't connect to the router" message.

Deco can be used with an existing router. Here are two typical connection structures. Topology 1: Note: When Deco works in Router mode, it’s not suggested to connect more than 1 deco unit to the existing router directly, as it may cause a network loop.. When Deco works in Access Point mode, it’s no problem to connect more than 1 deco unit to the existing router directly. How To Add an Access Point to a Wireless Router